Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Our little tiger! Roar!

Most of the day Gavin spent as a little tiger. I had a tail and a cat mask, so we made quite a pair.

Although he did have a costume change and with a swaddle blanket's help transformed into a FOOTBALL!

Of course to complete his football outfit he had a Dallas Cowboys onsie underneath. (Thanks to Misie who brought it all the way from Texas!)

Side Note: Karl is amazed that he has the ability to influence Gavin preferences. Karl's still grappling with whether or not he will let Gavin choose his own NFL team or be a Cowboys fan like his father. Based on the Cowboys performance this season I'm guessing Gavin may have his own team. Maybe next year with a new stadium Cowboys will be better and Gavin will be a fan. Here's hoping . . . at least for Karl!

Anyway we celebrated Halloween with James, Kim and Sophia . . . they understand why we get tired at 8:30. And the need to take pictures every 5 minutes. Plus their house has all the baby gear so we don't have to have to travel with so much stuff. Oh did I mention we think they're fabulous too! Even before we had the kiddies.

Sophia - one cute chick! Gavin - one cool little tiger!

Hope you had a great Halloween too!


IrishGirlieKnits said...

OMG!!! How cute is that little guy!! Gavin is adorable!!! Love the costumes too! (and I would say any NFL team is fine, but when it comes to college football...GO IRISH!!) :)

Sarah N. said...

I love the Halloween pics!

Anonymous said...

LOve the swaddle!!!! OMG!!!! TOO CUTE!!!! That is my favorite!!!!!!!